Acme Township

Acme Township

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Acme Township has received more than $11 million in grant funding from the MNRTF. Grants have funded the creation of Deepwater Point Natural Area, Yuba Creek Natural Area, and Bayside Park – jewels in the community that provide public access to natural areas, woodlands, and most notably, Grand Traverse Bay.

“The MNRTF, in concert with our local residents and township, has enabled the opening of properties in Acme Township to beautiful views, spaces and recreational opportunities for the public. It has positioned Acme Township to take full advantage of recreation-based tourism as part of its economic development strategy. The development of a series of connected and well-designed parks will provide recreation opportunities for existing and new residents as well as the business community.”

– Tom Henkel, Facilities & Parks Manager, Acme Township

“On a summer weekend, I observed families picnicking, children playing in the sand and kite-boarders enjoying the wind and surf at the newly expanded Bayside Park in Acme. There were people pedaling their bicycles on the TART trail and boats trolling East Bay for a chance at a huge silver King salmon. Adirondack chairs dot the front lawns of motels in Acme where visitors can savor the now unobstructed view of East Bay at Bayside Park-South, where dilapidated buildings once stood. It is hard to believe that we have been so fortunate to have such a great park system, community, and a huge body of beautiful, blue, clean freshwater to use and enjoy in this little piece of heaven known as Acme, Michigan.”

– Kathleen Guy, Acme Township Resident