Shelby Township
Shelby Township has received more than $602,000 from the Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund. One of the Township’s MNRTF grants funded the construction of a 2,800-square foot nature center building in River Bends Park on the Clinton River, with additional construction such as entrance drives, parking, pedestrian walkways and utilities included. A 2013 grant was awarded to the Township for the development of a connection of the Macomb Orchard Trail from Riverbends Park.
“Grant monies from the Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund made all the difference in the building of the Burgess/Shadbusch Nature Center in Shelby Township. Without the MNRTF grant this would not have been a reality. The residents of Shelby Township are grateful to have such a jewel in our Township that provides them year-round programming.”
– Joe Youngblood, Director, Shelby Township Parks and Recreation