Ann Arbor
The City of Ann Arbor has received more than $7 million from the MNRTF across 18 grants, which have funded parks and trails, wetland protection, the acquisition of natural areas for hiking, biking, and nature study, as well as the development of an environmental outdoor education center and skatepark.
“The world class Ann Arbor Skatepark opened in 2014 and has been busy every day – we’re thrilled with the level of use and the quality of the layout, design, and construction. The Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund Grant was instrumental in triggering other funding sources so that a truly world-class facility could be constructed. In the end, the Skatepark was funded in part by funds from the MNRTF, County funds, City funds, and private donations – a true collaborative effort. The quality of the project was reflected by the great support shown by world-class pros attending the grand opening to provide demonstrations and the huge crowds that attended the event. The Ann Arbor Skate Park is just one example of the many quality of life amenities in Ann Arbor made possible by the Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund. Additional MNRTF grants have funded parks, trails, and natural areas, outdoor education and environmental centers, and barrier-free access to buildings and docks, making recreation in the City of Ann Arbor more accessible for all.”
– Colin Smith, Parks and Recreation Services Manager, City of Ann Arbor